Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Manti Turkey

So first off I am loving this blog business! I'm thinking at the end of the year we print it off and each have a copy as a sort of cook book? Just a possibility. Anyways...with the end of summer near I thought I would put up on of my favorite grilled chicken/turkey recipes.

2 parts soy sauce
1 part 7up or Sprite
1/2 part cooking oil
And a little horseradish (a teaspoon to a tablespoon...depends on your taste)

Mix it all up and pour over turkey or chicken.
Marinate all day.
BBQ for 30-40 minutes

I usually make up a potato or pasta salad to go with it as a side, super tasty!

And because I don't have any beautiful food pictures, here is one of Alice right before she ran me over with her bike. We are still working on the whole "posing" concept. I guess she is an action shot kind of girl.


  1. I second the motion for printing it off. I also think this recipe sounds delicious. Furthermore, I can't believe Alice is so big and so stinking cute. Your sister grows good looking kids.

  2. If I'm gonna cook for let's say one person (as in myself), how much soy sauce and stuff would I need? Yeah I suck at converting and just need someone else to do it for me.

  3. Well I'm kinda guessing at this, but I like my stuff saucy! Ha ha, so maybe 2 cups soy sauce, I cup sprite, 1/4 cup oil, and a squirt of horseradish. If that seems like too much I would cut it in half. I always cook for leftovers myself ;)

  4. Also the horseradish can be ommited if you don't have any, I just like the extra twist it gives it

  5. Oh one more, sometimes I let mine marinate overnight AND the next day. Super super good.
