Sunday, February 9, 2014

Homemade Margherita Pizza

Remember how we haven't posted on this blog since September? Or do we hate school for getting in the way of being faithful to our blog? I can speak for myself by saying yes with my whole soul. As it turns out I decided to try to make a homemade pizza. Deysha loves the Margherita pizza but none in Logan have satisfied her needs like the pizza cart in Cedar City does. Anyway I tried to my best to duplicate it. Obviously it still doesn't compare to the pizza cart but that's ok. I just made stuff up so if you find ways to better this recipe by all means please do and then teach me your ways.

Leesa try not to be disgusted by the crappy quality of this photo.
Homemade Margherita Pizza 
Makes 2 pizzas

Crust (I used my Mama's recipe)
2 C. Luke Warm water 
2 packets yeast 
2 T. sugar 
Add together and then let bubble 
1/4 C. oil 
2 tsp salt 
5 C. flour 

1 jar of tomato basil pasta sauce (I was too lazy to find the pizza sauce also I definitely didn't use the whole jar) 
5 roma tomatoes 
Dried basil seasoning 
Fresh basil leaves 
8 oz of fresh mozzarella cheese (you'll need more if you want to make two pizzas)

Before church I sliced the tomatoes and seasoned them with the dried basil seasoning, salt and pepper and left them in the fridge. I did this because I wanted them to dry a little so they didn't make the pizza soggy. I don't know if they would make the pizza soggy anyway but it's better to be safe than sorry I told myself! I spread the sauce on the dough and sprinkled more dried basil seasoning for the heck of it. I layered the tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, and sliced the fresh mozzarella on top.  Bake at 375 for 15 minutes or until done.

It was pretty easy but let me know if you make this and make it better!


  1. I never would never have even thought about drying out the tomatoes. Ain't nobody like soggy pizza. Also, I'm craving this hardcore right now.

  2. I was just looking at our beautiful blog and I saw this and I wanted it. Now. Don't even worry that I've already commented on this bad boy.
